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The big white box above is the FSM designer. Here's how to use it:
- Add a state: double-click on the canvas
- Add an arrow: shift-drag on the canvas
- Add a start arrow: shift-drag outside of a state
Add an self-linking arrow: shift-click on state or shitf-drag
back to state
Create a curved arrow: shift-click and drag existing arrow
- Move something: drag it around
- Label something: click on a state or arrow
Delete something: click it and press the delete key OR press
- Mac users can also delete using fn-backspace
- Make accept state: double-click on an existing state
Type numeric subscript: put an underscore before the number
(like "S_0")
Type greek letter: put a backslash before it (like "\beta")
This was made in HTML5 and JavaScript using the canvas element.